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#致遠星淪陷 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Human-Covenant War Icon.png

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「We knew this day would come. They have found our fortress among the stars. The Covenant are on Reach. They will burn this planet, kill millions, and when Reach falls—and fall it will—there will be nothing left to stand between them - and Earth.」— Dr. Catherine Halsey[1]

致遠星淪陷(因為:Fall of Reach)[2][3],又稱致遠星之戰(英文:Battle of Reach)[4]是人類-星盟戰爭期間規模最大,傷亡人數最多的戰役之一。此次戰鬥開始於2552年7月25日,終於8月30日,交戰雙方分別是聯合國太空指揮部和星盟,主要戰鬥發生在天苑四星系的致遠星及周邊。[5]


儘管UNSC在此次戰役中受到了慘痛打擊,但貴族小隊成功保護了人工智慧科塔娜與她攜帶的關鍵數據,後者指引著UNSC 秋風之墩號飛向04特區,他們在那裡和星盟展開了一次關鍵戰鬥,並引發了一系列相關聯的事件,最終導致星盟在短短數月內分崩離析,而人類也最終迎來了戰爭的勝利。

目次 1 戰鬥背景 1.1 戰鬥開始前 1.2 冬日告急 2 戰鬥過程 2.1 前期戰鬥 2.2 UNSC反擊 2.3 正式對抗 2.4 其他戰鬥 2.5 太空作戰 2.6 Attack on the orbital defense generators 2.7 Mission to Gamma Station 2.8 Battle at Asźod 3 戰爭影響 3.1 救援行動 4 時間線 4.1 2552年7月23日 4.2 July 24, 2552 4.3 July 26, 2552 4.4 August 11, 2552 4.5 2552年8月12日 4.6 2552年8月13日 4.7 2552年8月14日 4.8 August 18, 2552 4.9 August 23, 2552 4.10 August 26, 2552 4.11 August 27, 2552 4.12 August 29, 2552 4.13 August 30, 2552 4.14 2552年9月 5 參戰力量 5.1 UNSC 5.1.1 太空裝備 5.1.2 部隊 地面部隊 海軍部隊 5.1.3 人員 5.2 星盟 5.2.1 太空裝備 5.2.2 人員 5.2.3 單位 艦隊 6 花絮信息 7 圖片冊 8 登場作品 9 注釋 10 參考資料 戰鬥背景[]


在帕蘭戈斯基發出消息不到一個月後,海軍情報辦公室預演的噩夢成為了現實。儘管在西格瑪·奧克塔努斯之戰中遭受了沉重打擊,但星盟仍趁亂在UNSC 伊洛魁號上安裝了追蹤裝置,並以此來尋找人類殖民地。當伊洛魁號返回致遠星時,這座殖民地的存在立刻便暴露給了星盟。不過,星盟方面其實早已得知致遠星的存在——從西格瑪·奧克塔努斯IV星回收回來的先行者製品指出致遠星上有其他製品,一如帕蘭戈斯基和斯坦福斯的猜測——只是他們不知道這裡也有人類殖民地。


在發動大規模攻勢前,星盟派出英勇審慎艦隊作為先鋒,前往致遠星:這支艦隊包括了CSO級超級母艦長夜漫漫號與數艘SDV級重型輕護衛艦。在抵達致遠星後,艦隊暗中向致遠星的Viery Territory投放了大批地面部隊。This invasion force was cloaked from UNSC sensors by sophisticated stealth pylons deployed around it. 星盟同時還派遣了一支由向斐力狂熱者組成的突擊隊,前往維謝格拉德通訊哨站附近的發掘現場回收先行者遺物。

「ONI thinks it might be the local Insurrection. Five months ago, they pulled a similar job on Harmony. Hit a relay to take out our eyes and ears, then stole two freighters from dry dock. That cannot happen here. Reach is too damn important. I want that relay back online, NOBLE One.」— Colonel Urban Holland[7]


冬日告急[] 「「上校,我是貴族一號,這裡沒有叛軍,致遠星上有星盟。」"Colonel, this is NOBLE One. There are no rebels. The Covenant are on Reach."」— 卡特-A259[10]


戰鬥過程[] 前期戰鬥[] 「「『冬日告急』指令已經發布,所有部隊各就各位。」"WINTER CONTINGENCY has been declared, all units mobilized and ready."」— UNSC軍官


主條目: First Battle of Sword Base File:Jorge n' Six.jpg

SPARTAN-B312 and Jorge-052 watch a Covenant corvette sinking after being neutralized by an orbital strike.


UNSC反擊[] 主條目: Battle at Szurdok Ridge 「We are now under attack across the Viery territory, including orbital defenses. As per the WINTER CONTINGENCY, we are countering on every front.」— Auntie Dot[14]

UNSC ground forces charge a Covenant formation in the Battle at Szurdok Ridge.


正式對抗[] 主條目: Operation: UPPER CUT

Long Night of Solace being destroyed.

「Air Control (COM)」— AI Auntie Dot (COM),ATC 2 (COM)

The arrival of the supercarrier led to Operation: UPPER CUT, in which NOBLE Team used YSS-1000 Sabres and the corvette Ardent Prayer to deliver an improvised slipspace drive "bomb" to the supercarrier and destroy it.[15] 斯巴達-B312、喬治-052及一隊空軍飛行員在UNSC 稀樹草原號護衛艦的掩護下登上了Ardent Prayer 並控制了它。[15]之後,貴族五號靠犧牲自己來摧毀長夜漫漫號,然而,在超級母艦爆炸的同時,又一支星盟艦隊在致遠星軌道上退出了躍遷。[15] Despite the mission's success, the destruction of the supercarrier was an inadvertent setback for Operation: RED FLAG.[6]

其他戰鬥[] 主條目: Siege of New Alexandria 「Your report will have to wait, Lieutenant. The Covenant are jamming all comms to Command. Kat needs your help running a counter-op.」— Commander Carter-A259[16]

在接下來的一周中,星盟不斷地向致遠星表面投放部隊,而它的艦隊則開始對重點目標進行玻璃化轟炸。然而,星球上大部分人——無論軍隊(尤其是參與紅旗行動的部隊)還是平民——此時仍被蒙在鼓裡,他們對戰鬥的具體情況一無所知。[6][17] HIGHCOM withheld major counteroffensives on the far side of the planet in the hope that a Class-5 Covenant vessel, which was needed for the operation, would be drawn in and make itself vulnerable for capture. Millions perished as a result of this relative inaction.[6]

A battle broke out in the city of New Alexandria, with large numbers of civilian evacuation transports being shot down by Covenant air and ground forces.[18][16]貴族小隊隊員幫助了當地的UNSC部隊淨空空域,並成功擊落一架星盟輕護衛艦。儘管UNSC清空了市內的敵人,但星盟艦隊也在此時開始城市進行玻璃化。在撤退過程中,貴族小隊的凱特-B320不幸中槍身亡。[16]

隨後,貴族小隊和軌道空降突擊隊組成了一支小型部隊,前往被星盟占領的刺刀基地,並準備將其摧毀[19]。途中,他們遇到了凱薩琳·哈爾西博士,後者向他們尋求幫助以保護自己位於刺刀基地內的實驗室,並阻止星盟部隊接近地下的先行者遺蹟。哈爾西指示貴族六號、卡特和埃米爾將人工智慧科塔娜的一個分身護送至UNSC 秋風之墩號上,而自己則跟著俊-A266前往致遠星上的城堡基地。[19]

太空作戰[] 「Fermion Remote Sensing Outpost」— Reach Station Gamma,Fermion RSO

8月30日結束後,一支大規模星盟混成艦隊在最高指揮官提爾·瓦達米和他的特殊正義艦隊的帶領下,浩浩蕩蕩地進入了天苑四星系的邊緣。[20] The fleet was first detected in slipspace by remote scanning outpost Fermion. The station's commander, Chief Petty Officer McRobb, 向艦隊司令部發送了緊急信息,隨後便下令空間站進入自毀程序以避免重要數據誤落敵手。幾分鐘之後,315艘星盟飛船在天苑四星系邊緣脫離了躍遷空間。[21] Admiral Roland Freemont發布了UNSC Alpha Priority Transmission 04592Z-83,命令天苑四星系內的所有飛船立刻向致遠星方向集結,準備抵禦星盟的進攻。The Covenant moved in on the orbital defenses before the UNSC fleet fully consolidated. Fifty-three belated UNSC ships,[21] including the UNSC 秋風之墩號, ran a gauntlet of screening Covenant warships as they attempted to link up with the main fleet. At this time, only about a hundred UNSC ships were readily available to defend Reach.[21]


The Epsilon Eridani Fleet engages the Covenant fleet in orbit over Reach.

The main Covenant force moved in on the orbital defenses. The initial salvo of plasma torpedoes was mostly absorbed by the sacrifice of three refit and repair stations, allowing the defenders to return fire.[22] The orbital defense platforms and four nuclear mines combined to take down a full third of the Covenant fleet. The vaporized Titanium-A armor of the refit stations also served to block incoming plasma torpedoes. However, the next Covenant salvo significantly damaged the UNSC fleet, as the Covenant maneuvered for clear shots around the titanium dust cloud and moved in for the kill. They destroyed five of the Super MAC platforms, further crippling the UNSC orbital perimeter, before retreating out of range. A previously unknown warship type, armed with a powerful energy projector, revealed itself and destroyed the Template:UNSCShip and four other ships before withdrawing temporarily. The rest of the Covenant fleet withdrew to regroup after deploying hundreds of dropships to the surface. The remaining UNSC fleet of 20 ships pursued the Covenant dropships, destroying some, but many still made it through and landed on Reach's northern and southern poles.

As the surviving dropships disgorged thousands of troops, the Covenant fleet began another attack. Some ships made pinpoint slipspace jumps, putting them within the UNSC formation. This left them vulnerable for a short time but allowed them to strike the ODPs directly. Meanwhile, the Covenant vessel returned and destroyed the Template:UNSCShip and Template:UNSCShip from beyond ODP range. The Template:UNSCShip engaged the warship, launching a Shiva nuclear device timed to explode within its shields. The detonation reverberated off the shields and disintegrated the vessel.

Attack on the orbital defense generators[]

A CCS-class battlecruiser initiates a pinpoint slipspace jump over Reach.

「There are thousands of them. Grunts, Jackals and their warrior Elites. They have tanks and fliers. Christ, they've breached the perimeter. Fall back! Fall back! If anyone can hear this: the Covenant is ground-side. Massing near the armory!」— UNSC Marine[23]

Thousands of Covenant landed on Reach in an attempt to destroy the orbital defense generators, and were intercepted by Marine forces who were able to defend against the first few waves of Covenant forces while sustaining heavy casualties. The remaining Spartan-IIs who were not assigned to Reach Station Gamma were sent to Orbital Defense Generator Facility A-331 to assist in the defense of the station. Unfortunately, their Pelican transport, Bravo 001, was shot down, resulting in the deaths of four Spartans (including Malcolm-059), and some others were wounded as well. Near their crash site, the surviving Spartans discovered the shell-shocked remnants of Charlie Company.

File:Invasion - Red Team.jpg

The Spartans defend the generators from a swarm of Covenant.

Charlie Company had been assigned by Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb to find the prototype NOVA bombs. They were forced to help defend the orbital defense facilities on their way to their objective. Unfortunately, as the Covenant neared the orbital defense generators, someone at HIGHCOM panicked and ordered Longswords to bomb everything within 500 meters, resulting in the destruction of the Covenant ground forces in that location, but also catastrophic friendly fire: Charlie Company was reduced to four men, and its leaders: Lieutenants Jake Chapman and Buckman were cut off from their subordinates.

The Spartans, after being briefed on the situation by Charlie Company, responded to a distress call from Whitcomb, who requested immediate evacuation. 斯巴達部隊指揮官弗雷德里克-104將倖存的紅隊分成了四個小組分頭作戰:阿爾法小組(弗雷德里克-104、凱莉-087、約書亞-029)負責消滅一處可以容納10000名星盟士兵的營地及浮在其上空的巡洋艦(without doing anything that could damage the orbital defense generators as the EMP from a nuclear weapon would render them inoperative and accomplish the Covenant's objective for them);貝塔小組負責保護軌道防禦發電機;伽馬小組(李-008、安東-044、格蕾絲-093)負責解救惠特科姆;德爾塔小組(the Charlie Company Marines and six wounded Spartans which included William-043, Isaac-039, and Vinh-030), ordered to secure the Spartans' fallback point at CASTLE Base.

Team Alpha hijacked three Banshees and approached the Covenant encampment (they were ignored by the Grunt Zawaz, who assumed they were Elites on a secret mission) and used Fury Tactical Nuclear Weapons within the shields of the Covenant ship, destroying the encampment and negating the EMP effect that would have disabled the orbital defense generators. Joshua was killed in the process by mass light weapons salvos from the 10,000 Covenant ground forces encamped around the Cruiser. The remaining Spartans of Team Alpha then fell back to CASTLE Base, blasting their way through the remaining Covenant in the area with two commandeered Wraiths. Team Gamma accomplished its mission and fell back to Camp Independence with Whitcomb, where they survived the partial glassing of the planet. Team Delta fell back to CASTLE Base, but in the process lost the remaining Charlie Company marines and every Spartan save for Vinh, Isaac, and William. When the remnants of Team Alpha and Team Delta arrived at CASTLE Base, they found Catherine Halsey there.

Team Beta was unable to stop the Covenant, who attacked in swarms of thousands. The orbital defense generators were compromised, and the Covenant, after eliminating the powerless, immobile ODPs in geosynchronous orbit around the planet, began the glassing of Reach. The planet, having been steadily weakened during the invasion throughout the prior weeks, had fallen with relative ease to the might of the Covenant invaders.[20]

Mission to Gamma Station[]

The Covenant fleet bearing down on Reach.

During the space battle, the AI Doppler, controller of Reach Station Gamma, was unable to destroy the vital information onboard the Template:UNSCShip, an ONI Prowler involved in Operation: HYPODERMIC. As the Covenant deployed troops to the station, Doppler reported this violation of the Cole Protocol to the Pillar of Autumn before self-destructing himself to keep from further violation. In response, Captain Jacob Keyes sent John-117, James-005, and Linda-058 to the station. They accomplished their task and destroyed the NAV database onboard Reach Station Gamma, but at the cost of James and Linda. While onboard, they rescued some Marines onboard the station: Staff Sergeant Avery Junior Johnson and Privates Wallace Jenkins, Bisenti, and O'Brien. They were then evacuated by Pelican back to the Pillar of Autumn. Linda-058 was clinically dead, but there was still a chance of saving her, so she was placed in a cryo chamber. John-117 asked Lieutenant Hall to scan for James (who had been blown into space) but they were unable to find him.

Battle at Asźod[] 主條目: Battle of Asźod

With the battle for Reach now nearing its conclusion, the Pillar of Autumn set down at the Asźod ship breaking yards for repairs as well as to receive the fragment of Cortana that Halsey had tasked NOBLE Team with delivering to Keyes. Covenant forces soon descended on the shipyards and began landing troops. Although the docked Autumn managed to hold off the Covenant attackers, most of the facility and the surrounding area was occupied.

The remnants of NOBLE Team, consisting of Carter-A259, Emile-A239, and SPARTAN-B312, arrived on the outskirts of the facility. Carter sent Noble Six and Emile to deliver the package to Keyes. He then sacrificed himself to destroy a Scarab. Six and Emile fought their way to the shipyards, where they linked up with some surviving UNSC ground troops. Keyes then contacted the Spartans and ordered them to clear Landing Platform Delta so that he could pick up the package. Upon arriving at the platform, Emile took charge of a mass driver and used it to provide cover fire for the Autumn. Six, meanwhile, cleared the platform of Covenant troops.

The Pillar of Autumn escapes.

With the platform cleared, Captain Keyes arrived in a Pelican and personally took possession of the package from Noble Six. Just then a Template:Class appeared and started heading toward the Autumn. Keyes ordered Emile to take out the cruiser before it destroyed the Autumn. Emile, however, was attacked by a pair of Sangheili Zealots. The Spartan killed the Zealots but was also killed, leaving the mass driver cannon unmanned. With the cruiser closing in on the Autumn, Noble Six volunteered to stay behind to take charge of the gun.

凱斯帶著包裹回到了秋風之墩號號上,並準備讓飛船起飛。同時,貴族六號控制了the mass driver and destroyed several Phantoms and Banshees before the Covenant cruiser came within range. As the cruiser prepared to destroy the Autumn with its energy projector, Six fired directly into the ship's exposed glassing port. The resulting explosion crippled the cruiser.


戰爭影響[] File:Glassed Reach.png

Reach after its glassing.

「We are not wasting a single UNSC ship to confirm what we have already seen a dozen times before: Reach is gone. Everything on it is blasted to bits, burned, glassed over, and vaporized. Everyone on Reach is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.」— Colonel James Ackerson[24]

致遠星淪陷後,UNSC失去了數以萬計的軍人和平民,以及人類在太陽系外規模最大的工業基地,還有上百艘戰艦——其中包括了像UNSC 巴斯拉號、UNSC 特拉法爾加號、UNSC 武藏號這樣短時間內難以建造的巡洋艦和超級母艦。同時,在天苑四星系落入星盟控制之下後,通往太陽系的航路上已再無險可守,有人估計人類在數周之內就會陷入全面戰敗的境地,而海軍情報辦公室則懷疑太陽系內可能存在防禦漏洞,也開始著手將一部分重工業設施和指揮系統遷移至其他星系。[25]

另一方面,儘管致遠星一役對人類而言是一次災難性的失敗,但UNSC依然發揮出了自開展以來的最好表現。在面對人數多出一倍,而且裝備、科技等各個層面都遠勝於己的對手時,他們依然給星盟製造出了巨大的傷亡,這其中有很大一部分要歸功於致遠星軌道上的20座軌道防禦平台。The ferocious defense was so effective that at least one Covenant ship outright fled the battle. The AI Cortana commandeered the fleeing Template:UNSCShip to the previously undiscovered fourth Forerunner Halo. While the Battle of Installation 04 was tangential to the main front, the containment of the initial Flood outbreak - and the experience gained - was just as critical to the survival of the UNSC.

While Reach was the Covenant armada's main target, the other colonies in Epsilon Eridani would also come under attack. Tribute was besieged by Covenant forces for several months, ending only when the Great Schism caused the Jiralhanae and Sangheili to turn on each other, ignoring the human defenders. The small colony on Beta Gabriel was destroyed when Valorous Salvation deserted the Covenant fleet and fled there; ODSTs arrived shortly thereafter and killed all the Covenant deserters without incurring losses.

救援行動[] 主條目: Raid on Reach

在星盟開始摧毀致遠星地表的時候,一些倖存的斯巴達戰士們依然在戰鬥。Team Gamma; a Red team splinter composed of Anton-044; Grace-093 and Li-008, had managed to survive and complete their mission to rescue Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb from HIGHCOM. Too late to reach CASTLE base, they hid in the mountains attacking Covenant units with the use of guerrilla tactics as opposed to a conventional assault. They programmed their MJOLNIR suits to transmit the "Oly Oly Oxen Free" secret code on E-Band radio, hoping that any surviving Spartans would discover it and help them.

同時,在城堡基地的廢墟下,哈爾西博士和弗雷德、凱莉、威爾、榮、艾薩克等五名斯巴達戰士花了五天時間來徒步通過一座廢棄的鈦礦井,結果被星盟困在了廢墟迴廊中。They managed to retrieve a Forerunner crystal that the Covenant were seeking, but it emitted a burst of radiation which alerted the Covenant to their presence. Vinh and Isaac fell at the hands of overwhelming Covenant forces, and the others escaped by blowing the hallway down behind them.

After the survivors were recovered by Ascendant Justice, a Covenant Flagship captured by John-117 after the Battle of Installation 04, the ship drew a group of Covenant vessels out of the system in pursuit to Eridanus Secundus, leading to the destruction of the asteroid colony, and the destruction of the artifact and the recovery of only a small number of pieces by the Covenant. The Ascendant Justice also destroyed around sixteen Covenant warships during the escape in slipspace and at the rebel base.[26]

時間線[] 2552年7月23日[] The Fleet of Valiant Prudence is sent to the Epsilon Eridani system to begin the attack on Reach and to prepare the planet for the Covenant's main offensive. Fireteam 3 Charlie, along with other special warfare fireteams under command of Colonel Holland, are sent to invetigate Visegrad after contact with the comms relay is lost. July 24, 2552[] 0728 Hours: Noble Team is ordered to investigate a possible Insurrectionist activity at the disabled Visegrád Relay. Shortly after, the team learns that the Covenant are responsible for the attack on the relay. After retaking the relay, Noble Team discovers a data module on one of the dead staff. WINTER CONTINGENCY is declared. July 26, 2552[] 1128 hours: A Covenant corvette attacks ONI Sword Base. Noble Team is deployed to secure the base and surrounding outposts. After the corvette is destroyed by orbital bombardment, Noble Team meets up with Dr. Catherine Halsey and hands over the data module retrieved from Visegrád Relay. August 11, 2552[] 2630 hours Two members of Noble Team, Noble Six and Noble Three, investigate a Covenant-held "dark zone" in the Viery Territory, which UNSC instruments are unable to penetrate. The pair pushes into the zone, encountering moderate Covenant resistance, and locates a Covenant stealth pylon. After rigging the pylon with explosives, Six and Three push further into the zone and discover that the Covenant have covertly established a large landing zone, with at least two Corvettes and many ground assets. 2552年8月12日[] 0800 hours: The UNSC Army begins a full scale assault on the Viery Territory. Noble Team is sent to gather intelligence of Covenant-occupied sites and to destroy an EMP-emitting Covenant tower. The UNSC learn too late that the tower served as a teleporter linked to a cloaked Covenant supercarrier. The Template:UNSCShip is destroyed by the supercarrier's energy projector. 2552年8月13日[] 2007時:星盟部隊發動了全面進攻。Noble Team begins developing a plan to destroy the enemy supercarrier with a Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine used as a makeshift bomb. Auntie Dot informs Noble Team that 60%的UNSC艦隊正在趕赴致遠星,第一個戰鬥群預計將在48小時內抵達星系。 2552年8月14日[] 1248時:星盟部隊再度襲擊了刺刀基地並占領了此地。襲擊發生時,凱薩琳·哈爾西博士遁入設施地下,逃過一劫。 1248 hours: Noble Team assaults and retakes the Sabre launch facility and use it as a staging point for a battle above Reach. Using the Slipspace drive from the Template:UNSCShip, Noble Team disables and boards one of the Covenant corvettes and use it as the detonation point for the bomb. Due to a malfunction with the triggering mechanism, a member of Noble Team is forced to detonate the bomb manually. The supercarrier is destroyed just as a larger Covenant fleet arrives above Reach. August 18, 2552[] Siege of New Alexandria: Covenant invasion force under the command of Jiralhanae begin an assault on New Alexandria. August 23, 2552[] 1534 hours: The Covenant fleet begins glassing targeted areas of Reach, and a battle breaks out in New Alexandria. Noble Six and remaining Army troopers assist in the evacuation of civilians from the city. 1857 hours: Noble Six links up with the rest of Noble Team. The team destroys three jammers installed by the Covenant, allowing the UNSC to safely evacuate all personnel from the ONI HQ. When the team reunites, they are ordered by Colonel Holland to proceed to Sword Base. New Alexandria is glassed, and another member of NOBLE Team is killed by a Sangheili Field Marshal shortly after its commencement. August 26, 2552[] 貴族小隊倖存隊員搭乘鵜鶘號撤離新亞歷山大。 August 27, 2552[] 0800 hours: 25 of the 28 surviving Spartan-IIs assigned to Naval Special Weapons, (剩下的人均是灰隊成員), are recalled to the FLEETCOM Military Complex and are debriefed by Dr. Halsey and Captain Keyes on Operation: RED FLAG.[6][27][28][29][30] August 29, 2552[] SPARTAN-B312 and a team of ODSTs secure a landing zone for NOBLE Team's Falcon. Later NOBLE Team proceeds inside Sword Base only to learn their true mission: escort a part of Cortana to the Pillar of Autumn. August 30, 2552[]

Reach being glassed by the Covenant.

0447 Hours: The remote scanning outpost Fermion detects more incoming Covenant vessels. An emergency message is relayed to FLEETCOM. The outpost then self-destructs per the Cole Protocol due to an unsecured science library and nearby Covenant forces. 0500 Hours: A Covenant armada comprised of 315 vessels exits slipspace on the edge of the system.[31] With the planet's defenses weakened by the invasion fleets that had arrived previously, the fleet begins to press forward.[20] 0517 Hours: Admiral Roland Freemont (FLEETCOM Sector One Commander) issues a general order to all vessels in the Reach system.[32] All vessels and stations initiate the Cole Protocol and rush to Rally Point ZULU. 0534 Hours: Covenant vessels make pinpoint slipspace jumps attempting to destroy any incoming or outgoing human vessels before they can regroup. A Template:Class targets the Template:UNSCShip but is destroyed. 0545 Hours: The Covenant vessels begin a frontal assault. As the Covenant and human fleets engage above Reach, it seems to be a stalemate, as Covenant ships take out UNSC ships, while the UNSC ships and MAC cannons take out an equal number. The first salvo by the UNSC vessels destroys a third of the remaining Covenant fleet. An unidentified Covenant warship arrives and destroys several UNSC ships while outside human weapons range. 0558 Hours: Station Gamma Dockmaster AI Doppler is unable to implement the Cole Protocol on the Template:UNSCShip, an ONI prowler docked at Reach Station Gamma, due to measures taken to maintain the secrecy of Operation: HYPODERMIC. Doppler sends priority message to FLEETCOM concerning this violation. Covenant intrusion software detects this oversight, and the Covenant deploys troops to seize the NAV database aboard the Circumference. 0616 Hours: The Spartan-IIs are dispatched from the Pillar of Autumn. John-117, Linda-058, and James-005 form Blue Team and go aboard the Dock to destroy the Circumference, while the remainder form Red Team and head to the surface of Reach to defend the power generators for the MAC guns. James goes MIA when a Needler hits his thruster pack and propels him into space during combat. Blue Team continue through the station, rescuing Staff Sergeant Johnson; Private O'Brien, Private Bisenti, and Pvt. Wallace A. Jenkins from Kig-yar and Sangheili. 0620 Hours: Most of the Covenant fleet retreats from the system after deploying more dropships toward the surface. The UNSC fleet fires on the ships, destroying many although hundreds still land on Reach. 0621 Hours: The boarding craft are landed and the armory is overrun; the Covenant fleet re-enters the system. The Covenant split their 150+ remaining ships. One fleet attacks the UNSC ships, while another takes out the MAC cannons and send in troops to land on Reach. The UNSC try to split their 50+ remaining forces to engage the Covenant, but there are too many platforms to cover and too many casualties. The supercruiser continues to destroy UNSC ships, allowing the other ships to attack the MACs. Eventually, the supercruiser is destroyed by the Pillar of Autumn, but the UNSC fleet is practically decimated so it is too late to do any good. 0631 Hours: Red Team's Pelican is shot down. They have no choice but to jump from the crashing Pelican and make a "hard landing" on the ground. Results in four dead and six seriously injured. 0637 Hours: John-117, the clinically dead Linda-058, and the Marines board the Pillar of Autumn. 0647 Hours: Captain Keyes of the Pillar of Autumn orders the vessel to retreat from the system. However, Dr. Catherine Halsey contacts the Autumn, urgently requesting that Keyes drydock at the Asźod ship breaking yards on Reach to collect Cortana's fragment and the vital information she held.[33] Keyes used the brief time on the surface to make minor repairs to the Autumn.[注 1] 0649 Hours: Red Team sets up defenses around ODG Facility A-331. 0711 Hours: Fred-104, Joshua-029, and Kelly-087 plant a nuclear warhead through the gravity lift in a landing Covenant cruiser, leaving Joshua-029 MIA, (presumed KIA) in the process. 0720 Hours: The Covenant destroys ODG Facility A-331 by aerial bombardment, though some Spartans escape. The surviving MAC guns are now offline and are quickly destroyed by plasma torpedoes. Remaining UNSC vessels have no choice but to retreat. The Covenant warships are split into two groups: five-ship teams that hunt down the surviving UNSC vessels and a group of ships that align themselves in formation and begin to glass Reach. 1652 hours: The remainder of Noble Team consisting of Carter-A259, Emile-A239, and SPARTAN-B312 head to the Asźod ship breaking yards to deliver a fragment of Cortana, which holds important navigation data, to the Pillar of Autumn. Carter rams his Pelican into a Scarab, allowing the remaining parts of Noble Team to pass. Emile and SPARTAN-B312 head to platform D in the ship breaking yards to meet with Captain Keyes and to deliver Cortana over. Emile dies when he is stabbed by a Covenant Zealot wielding an Energy Sword. SPARTAN-B312 successfully delivers the package to the Autumn and allows the vessel to escape by destroying an incoming Covenant battlecruiser using a mass driver. The Pillar of Autumn, pursued by a dozen Covenant vessels, retreats from the system, heading for Installation 04. 2000 Hours: SPARTAN-B312 is one of the few standing survivors at the ship-breaking yards of Asźod and the planet Reach. The Spartan makes a final stand, fighting off waves of Covenant ground forces, eventually being overwhelmed and killed by a swarm of Sangheili warriors. 2552年9月[] 9月5日 UNSC艦隊終止了在致遠星協作防禦區內的活動。[34] 9月7日 0002時:斯巴達紅隊倖存者和哈爾西博士在城堡基地下的廢棄鈦礦井中步行數日後,抵達了一處充滿先行者標誌的迴廊。 不久後,星盟為搜尋他們而製造了一系列爆破,造成榮-030和艾薩克-039陣亡。 9月11-12日 時間不詳:04特區之戰的倖存者們重返致遠星——由於先行者水晶故障造成的時空異常,將他們送回到了兩周之前。 參戰力量[] UNSC[] 太空裝備[] 母艦 布匿級超級母艦 UNSC 特拉法爾加號 UNSC 武藏號 巡洋艦 Template:UNSCShip, Template:Class 翡翠鳥級輕型巡洋艦 UNSC 秋風之墩號 馬拉松級重型巡洋艦 UNSC 漢尼拔號 UNSC 利維坦號 驅逐艦 Template:UNSCShip, Template:Class Template:UNSCShip, Halberd-class Template:UNSCShip UNSC Tharsis Template:UNSCShip 護衛艦 巴黎級重型護衛艦 UNSC 巴黎號 UNSC 格拉夫頓號 UNSC 晨誓號 UNSC 稀樹草原號 UNSC 薩拉托加號 卡戎級輕型護衛艦 UNSC 命運之盾號 偉岸級輕型護衛艦 UNSC 偉岸黎明號 Template:UNSCShip Template:UNSCShip Prowlers Template:UNSCShip Template:UNSCShip Template:UNSCShip Other/Unknown type Template:UNSCShip Remote Sensing Station Fermion Anchor 9 Reach Station Gamma 部隊[] 地面部隊[] 第124機械化步兵旅 第1團 第6團 第13團 第47團 第127團 第501團 第11突擊營 A-9小隊 3 Charlie 第34步兵旅 第4團 第14團 第581團 第594團 第554營 第1337營 Charlie Company Echo Team Gauntlet Team 貴族小隊 斯巴達II藍隊 斯巴達II紅隊 阿爾法小組 貝塔小組 伽馬小組 德爾塔小組 Third Mechanized 海軍部隊[] 天苑四艦隊 人員[] Admiral Roland Freemont 麥可·斯坦福斯海軍中將 Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb 雅各布·凱斯海軍上校 Captain Kristòf Jen Captain Santos 卡特-A259海軍中校 Lieutenant Commander Kat-B320 Lieutenant Aki Hikowa Lieutenant Dominique 斯巴達-B312海軍上尉 Lieutenant, Junior Grade Bill Streeter Lieutenant, Junior Grade David Brightling Ensign William Lovell 約翰-117海軍一級軍士長 Chief Petty Officer McRobb 弗雷德里克-104海軍二級軍士長 詹姆斯-005海軍中士 李-008海軍中士 約書亞-029海軍中士 榮-030海軍中士 艾薩克-039海軍中士 威爾-043海軍中士 安東-044海軍中士 琳達-058海軍中士 麥爾康-059海軍中士 凱莉-087海軍中士 格蕾絲-093海軍中士 Colonel Urban Holland 喬治-052海軍二級准尉 埃米爾-A239海軍二級准尉 俊-A266海軍二級准尉 Sergeant Major Duvall 愛德華·巴克三級軍士長 Gunnery Sergeant Stacker 艾弗里·詹森上士 Major Antonio Silva First Lieutenant Buckman First Lieutenant Jake Chapman Corporal Errera Corporal Taylor Miles Corporal Travis Corporal Wilkins Private First Class Wallace A. Jenkins Private Bisenti Private O'Brien Gabriel Thorne Spartan NV66 Spartan NOLA 星盟[] 太空裝備[] 母艦 CSO級超級母艦 長夜漫漫號 CAS級突擊母艦 Seeker of Truth 巡洋艦 Truth and Reconciliation Destroyers Esteem Frigates Penance 輕護衛艦 Ardent Prayer 不詳 Valorous Salvation 人員[] Supreme Commander 提爾·瓦達米 General Ardo 'Moretumee Shipmaster Rho 'Barutamee Unidentified Shipmaster Chieftain Parabum 單位[] 艦隊[] Fleet of Holy Respite 特殊正義艦隊 Fleet of Righteous Vigilance 英勇審慎艦隊 花絮信息[] Chief Petty Officer McRobb compared the Fall of Reach to the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. He noted that, like Reach, Pearl Harbor was once thought too strong to attack.[35] At the time of the invasion, at least one hurricane was raging on the surface of Reach.[15] 圖片冊[] Winter ContingencyNoble Team on their way to investigate the communications disruption at Visegrád.REACHcartercorvetteCarter watching a Covenant corvette from a UH-144 Falcon.Fall of Reach Ground BattleUNSC ground forces engage a Covenant Banshee formation.Reach 5016770 FullThe Grafton and Saratoga engaging Covenant ground targets.Noble Team ReachJorge-052, Jun-A266, Emile-A239 and SPARTAN-B312 watch as Kat-320 formulates a plan.Fall of Reach 2A space battle over Reach during Operation: UPPER CUT.Reach E310 Campaign10A battle raging around Anchor 9.Reach-UNSC SavannahThe {{UNSCShip|Savannah}} being escorted by a formation of Sabres.HaloReach - Space BattleThe Savannah and a Sabre engage a Covenant corvette over Reach.Reach AssaultCarriersA Covenant fleet entering the system just after the destruction of the Long Night of Solace and Ardent Prayer.HaloReach - FrigateWreckA destroyed UNSC frigate above Reach.Exodus IntroNoble Six looks on as the Long Night of Solace burns.Noble Six CityNoble Six arrives at New Alexandria as it is invaded by Covenant forces.NA GlassedThe surviving members of Noble Team scan the glassed ruins of New Alexandria.H2A Terminals - Human city.pngThe Covenant fleet glasses a major city on Reach.HR Highlands Glassing.pngThe Military Wilderness Training Preserve is glassed.HaloReach - Package IntroThe ONI facilities at SWORD Base are destroyed.HaloReach - MACrusherA planetary MAC cannon fires upon Covenant cruisers descending upon Asźod as surviving UNSC forces mount their escape.H2A - AutumnThe Pillar of Autumn escapes as Reach is glassed.UltraMythos.jpgA Sangheili Ultra leading troops in the battle in Halo Mythos.HGC - Covenant.jpgA Covenant armoured column in Halo: Ground Command.TFoR-as-concept 5.jpgThe members of Blue Team meeting up in Reach's glasslands in 2558 to remember Sam's sacrifice. 登場作品[] 《光環:致遠星淪陷》(首次登場) 《光環:戰鬥進化》(提及) Halo: The Flood (提及) Halo: First Strike Halo 2 (Flashback) Halo: Ghosts of Onyx (提及) Halo 3: ODST (提及) Halo Legends Origins Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe Dirt (提及) The Return (提及) Halo: Reach Halo: Fall of Reach Invasion Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (提及) 《光環4》 Infinity Briefing Packet (提及) Halo: Broken Circle Template:Im Halo 2: Anniversary (Flashback) Halo: New Blood (提及) Halo: Fleet Battles Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition (提及) Halo: Ground Command Halo Mythos Halo: Fractures Breaking Strain (提及) Halo: Envoy (提及) Halo: Retribution (提及) Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual 《光環:孤狼》(提及) 注釋[] ↑ This entry, while possibly not entirely accurate, is an attempt to reconcile an inconsistency between Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: Reach. In The Fall of Reach, the Pillar of Autumn is said to jump away from the system at this time. However, as revealed in Halo: Reach, the vessel had initiated an emergency drydock at 16:52. This implies that the Autumn either remained in the system after its supposed jump, or that the part of the book with the ship escaping has been overridden altogether. 參考資料[] ↑ Halo: Reach: "A Spartan Will Rise" ViDoc ↑ Halo Encyclopedia, page 198 ↑ Waypoint: Halo Official Timeline ↑ Bungie.net: Defiant Map Pack ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 H3R 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Data Drop ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Halo: Reach, campaign level Noble Actual ↑ Remember Reach, Patrol ↑ Data Drop/DDR2 ↑ 光環:致遠星: 戰役關卡 - 冬日告急 ↑ EDGE Magazine, February 2010 ↑ GameInformer, February 2010 ↑ 光環:致遠星: 戰役關卡 - 刺刀基地. ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Halo: Reach, campaign level Tip of the Spear ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Halo: Reach, campaign level Long Night of Solace ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Halo: Reach, campaign level New Alexandria ↑ Halo: The Fall of Reach, Adjunct ↑ Halo: Reach, campaign level Exodus ↑ 19.0 19.1 Halo: Reach, campaign level The Package ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Halo Waypoint: The Halo Conflict, Part 1 ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 TFoR 343 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ Halo: The Fall of Reach Definitive Edition, page 354 ↑ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 300 ↑ Halo: First Strike, pages 104-105 ↑ Bungie.net, Jason Jones Interviewed By You ↑ Halo: First Strike, page 339 ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 Wars 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 FS Adjunct 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 DttE 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 Library 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ 引用錯誤:無效的 標籤,未定義名稱為 tfor296 的參考文獻內容文字。 ↑ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 289 ↑ Halo: Reach, campaign level The Pillar of Autumn ↑ Halo Legendary Crate, Data Drop #2 ↑ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 283






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